Dreaming about Openly Gray merch…
Every movement needs stuff for members. Here’s a smattering of favorites to get started.
#openlygray #beopenlygray
Wait, a Store Already?
Well, we don’t have a secret “Openly Gray” handshake or wave. Yet.
In the meantime we want to offer older adults a chance to start declaring this mindset through basic items like T-shirts, mugs, tote bags and such.
Profits from all sales go to support age discrimination efforts by organizations across the U.S. Any questions or issues, please call our support number: (804) 372-5443.
What’s in the Store Now:
In these early days of the movement, we are offering our apparel in three logo/tagline versions, depending on how you want to proclaim being “Openly Gray.”
The first is just “Openly Gray.” Without any additional line or explanation, this version engenders comments and starts conversations. But be warned, it is typically taken literally to mean that your hair is naturally gray.
The second option is “Openly Gray (Not My Hair. My Attitude)” — This version solves the issue of people thinking the movement is only about one’s hair color.
Lastly, we offer “Openly Gray. My Hair & My Attitude” for those who are naturally gray and want to be sure their message is understood to be more than just about hair color.
Shirts come in two styles, Unisex and Women’s, in a variety of colors and sizes. Please double-check that you’re ordering the version you want!